Men are always looking for new ways to increase the size of their penis. From penis growth exercises to male enhancement pills, the options are seemingly limitless. Lately, some men have been trying to use steroids for penis growth. The idea is that steroids can boost testosterone levels, and in the process, help develop penis size.
Needless to say, there is much debate as to whether or not steroids actually increase penis size. In fact, some experts believe it can actually shrink the penis.
Is there a link between steroids and penis growth? Do steroids actually increase penis size? Or do they have the opposite effect? Keep reading to find out these answers and more.
How do steroids affect penis growth?
Let’s get right down to it. Do steroids help with penis growth? In short, no. Simply put, steroids can severely damage your body’s organs, including the penis. Taking steroids can cause impotence, and it can do permanent damage to the male reproductive organ. Many men who have taken steroids have reported a complete inability to get an erection, no matter how hard they tried.
Some experts believe that steroids can actually shrink the penis. While it’s difficult to say whether or not this is completely true, one thing is clear. With no libido or sex drive, the penis will remain flaccid, causing it to look smaller than normal. This might create the perception that the penis has shrunken in size.
At the end of the day, steroids do not help with penis growth. More specifically, they hurt your penis growth efforts.
Alternatives to steroids and penis growth
Thankfully, you have other options for safe, effective penis growth. Herbal penis growth involves using herbs from around the world to grow your penis size, increase libido, and boost your stamina. The best herbs for penis growth are as follows:
- Maca
- Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
- Epimedium Grandiflorum (Horny Goat Weed)
- L-Arginine (HCL)
- Catuaba Bark
- Muira Puama (Potency Wood)
- Xanthoparmelia scabrosa
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Damiana
- Cnidium Monnier
- Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia)
- Jujube dates extract